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Xuhui pushes ahead on going green 徐汇推进绿色环保:918博天堂

发布时间:2024-09-25 04:59:02 点击量:
本文摘要:Shanghai Chengtou Environment Group and the greenery bureau of Xuhui District signed an agreement on Friday to jointly push forward recycling and waste reduction.上海城投情况团体与徐汇区绿化局周五签署协议,配合推进循环使用和淘汰废物。

Shanghai Chengtou Environment Group and the greenery bureau of Xuhui District signed an agreement on Friday to jointly push forward recycling and waste reduction.上海城投情况团体与徐汇区绿化局周五签署协议,配合推进循环使用和淘汰废物。In June, a new collection station to process recyclable waste built by Shanghai Chengtou Group started operation. Residents living nearby can take clothes, empty bottles and other recyclables to the station. Officers there sort them out for resource utilization.6月,上海城投团体新建的可接纳垃圾处置惩罚站开始运营。



住在四周的住民可以把衣服,空瓶子和其他可接纳物品带到车站。那里的官员将他们清除在资源使用之外。The smaller collecting station called Wutong Recycling Center is at 37 Donghu Road. The road is inside the Hengfu (Hengshan and Fuxing roads) Historical Conservation Zone.较小的收集站叫梧桐接纳中心位于东湖路37号。这条路位于恒福(衡山和再起路)历史掩护区内。


Wutong, or parasol trees, create a symbolic landscape along the small streets with European style buildings built in the early 20th century.梧桐树或梧桐树沿着小街道缔造了一个象征性的景观,建于20世纪初的欧洲气势派头修建。Chengtou group said because of the fairly large number of expats living around the area, officers at Wutong are all fluent in English.城投团体表现,由于居住在该地域的外籍人士人数众多,梧桐的官员都能说流利的英语。The company has also arranged volunteers to collect waste from residents and shops, as many of them don’t have time to bring the waste to the station.该公司还摆设志愿者从住民和商店收集废物,因为他们中的许多人没有时间将废物带到车站。

Chengtou group will build another three or four such collection stations and at least one distribution center in Xuhui for recycling.城投团体将在徐汇再建三四个这样的收集站和至少一个配送中心举行接纳。These infrastructure facilities will cover 13 subdistricts and towns of Xuhui and serve about 810,000 residents, the company said.该公司表现,这些基础设施将笼罩徐汇的13个街道和城镇,为81万住民提供服务。注:英文文字来自于SHINE,作者Cai Wenjun。

